Dean Salman, myself, and Tut Campbell at the 1998 Magazine Mountain Star Party in Arkansas.


At the 1999 Texas Star Party. This was before I began the computerization of my telescope. The telescope has encoders on it but no motor driven gears.


My daughter Ana and I at home in Seguin, Texas in 2002. Ana is holding our cat Sunny! In this photo you can see the new large gears and motors on my telescope. Now the scope can be controlled by a computer to automatically go-to astronomical objects and electronically track objects as the Earth rotates.


My beautiful wife Lyudmila when she was expecting our daughter Kellie in 2003. This was before I redesigned the telescope tube assembly. Notice the heavy wire going to my Cookbook Camera.


At the Seguin Outdoor Learning Center in August 2004. In this photo the tube assembly has been redesigned.


At the Seguin Outdoor Learning Center in August 2004. Getting ready to go home after doing CCD imaging the previous night.


My telescope after finishing the new tube assembly the summer of 2004. We're getting ready to go home after doing CCD imaging at Fort McKavett, Texas on October 16th, and 17th, 2004. The trailer with the attached tarp is used to block the wind while doing CCD imaging. Two things can quickly stop me from taking astronomical photos: clouds and gusts of wind.


The most wonderful person in my life, my wife, Lyudmila, and her 10 inch telescope at Fort McKavett, Texas October 18, 2004.