M 27, THE DUMBBELL NEBULA on 2024-06-30

This photo was taken in Kyle, Texas, under Bortle 5.9 skies, through a 6-inch f/4 Telescope, on a Sky-Watcher EQ6-R mount, with a ZWO ASI533MC PRO color camera. The total image acquisition time is: 05 hrs 00 min 00 sec. The processing was done with PixInsight. Full Size View Full size files are very large and can take a minute to download. After downloading the full-size picture to zoom in or out on a computer hold down the Ctrl key and use the scroll mouse button, or you can press the + or - key.

The Dumbbell Nebula (also known as the Apple Core Nebula, Messier 27, and NGC 6853) is a planetary nebula (nebulosity surrounding a white dwarf) in the constellation Vulpecula, about 1360 light-years from the Earth. The nebula is expanding at an angular rate of about 2.3 arcseconds per century. The age of the nebula is calculated to be about 14,600 years. The central star, a white dwarf progenitor, is estimated to have a radius which is 0.055 times the radius of our Sun, which gives it a size larger than most other known white dwarfs. The stars mass is estimated to be 0.56 times the mass of our Sun.


Previous, Older Photos

Planetary Nebula M 27 on 2008-09-30 also named NGC 6853 

17.5 Inch f 4.5 Scope and ST9-E Camera.


TELESCOPE = 17.5 inch f4.5
LOCATION = Seguin Outdoor Learning Center 
DATE (Yr-Mo-Dy) = 2004-04-01
TIME (UT) = 10:59:25

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